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Horseheads/Elmira Area 12/11/2023 (Mon) 21:04:57 No. 45535
Who’s got what?? Let’s get this thread moving!
>>45535 Bump
There's already a fucking Elm/Corning thread.
>>46761 Well there WAS a good elm/cor thread. Looks like it got bumped out due to the new threads posted. Mods need to do a better job and others need to stop being lazy and LOOK b4 posting.
Any H@nn@h Osb0rn3?
got some of h@nn@h but where’s m3g tunr3r
>>47835 Then post them?
>>47835 Yeah bump for meg
>>47831 fucked her before she squirts
>>47831 Still want to see h@nn@h wins!
Soo.. where are those wins?
N3lly H@ll wins?
Post em if you got em! This is not a trade off site! Its a share site! We all want to see what ya have!
>>47835 Well post her then! We all wanna see!
(1.88 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4035.jpeg)
>>45535 >>45535 here you go fuckin nerds
>>48449 Jesus how many dudes she fucked for her pussy to look like a bomb hit it.>>48449
>>48459 I know a few people that ran through her. She’s easy. Someone hit her up get more wins.
>>48460 H@nn@h 0sb0rn3
>>48449 Clearly not enough in her @$$
Use to work with h@nn@h. I bet she can be kinky af!
Anyone have 0liv1a P from horseheads?
How about any corning wins? There used to be a lot out there
Any Br30nn@ McPh3rs0n from Corning?
>>48449 Is that all you have of her? You must have much more than that!
Any @yr1s H@l3 from Corning?
K@mryn buzz3tti
(459.98 KB 696x1313 IMG_4545.jpeg)
If y’all got more of her I’ll show the rest of what I got
>>48983 Don't be a cunt. Just show the win. Fuck is wrong with you.
>>48983 Agreed with above! If you have the wins, post em! This is not a trade site! Most of us are people that cant even get wins or dont even know that person to get wins!
There has got to be more in this area!
Post wins! Need more of H@nn@h and jul13!
Trying to keep this thread alive!
Anyone got bR3anna br!gh@m?
Any of joy smales? Huge tits from Elmira
>>49831 Bump somebody has her for sure
Dont let this die!
Lets see more of h@nn@h 0sb0urne! Share ANYTHING in this area of what you have!
Where are all the elmira/corning hoes at?
Now i see why the old thread died! Everyone is holding back!
There has gotta be more sluts in this area! Just need you all to share!
Any br1@n@ DeC@r0
>>52750 Think someone posted her in the thread that got nuked!
>>52841 I don’t think anything has been posted of Bri D
I have briana D using a dildo and her tits with her face
>>53035 shit man post that up! I’m sure that’s interesting
>>47869 Bump for meg!
If we get Bri D; I’ll 100% some shit. She got a fat ass need to see that to!
Would someone just post wins? If you have em post em. Stop being bitches and holding back! If i could, i would!
