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Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 14:36:57 No. 58723
Let's get a 613 Ottawa thread going! Any wins on this chick? She goes to Carleton university.
Damn bro! Bump!
Anyone got $ydney B? Previous wins on here before
Yes bump syd… there was a shower pic .. and get 3merson gaunt goin again
>>58781 Bump for Syd too
Let's go boys, have been waiting for new stuff from 613 for a while
Bump this shit please
Anyone know Marlee A? Ottawa / Pembroke area
someone posted wins of 3mma k3ttles in one of the previous threads, could somebody repost them
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i know nudes exist
>>60001 wow who is this?
>>60001 Bump just looking for name she is so fine
Does anyone know this brown chick Jassiya, she used to go to St Lawrence
>>60001 more
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>>60503 you got the goods?
>>60525 Do you?
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Ottawa Ontario. Find her.
>>60528 no i'm the one who's been asking for her
>>60528 Ash lawro, her wins are in the t // ele (google ottthots 613)
>>60718 Holy shit, she is perfect. I’m dying to see more. Great boob job. Very similar to my wife’s.
>>61092 share it
>>61092 code?
>>61092 Can’t find it
>>61092 Bump?
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>>61092 bump
>>61092 Search doesn't bring anything up.
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>>61230 bump
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>>61285 /uQMqeTt3
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>>61408 What is that link?
>>61430 It's expired
>>61433 They want money for wins It’s the same person that did the r for eg.
Someone be a hero and drop the OttThots link
>>61435 money cause you dickwads have fuck all to share
>>61408 It's expired dawg
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Emily H
>>61514 /AWqMnMxa
Does anyone know what happened to Madison C? She went to Carlton and had a twin sister.
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Anyone have her wins? K1K1
>>61657 got a bunch to share but don't know what extension is being used for sharing at this code. little help?
>>61667 Same
>>61674 fuck you! ya gay homo!
>>61675 clowns in here thinking everything free
>>61682 share or go away! is the motto around here hoarding queers and scammers like you used to get banned
>>61688 wish I was smart enough to scam, you really think if I scammed this many people so far, someone would have posted something about it? go cry somewhere else with your empty ass folders
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Isabella G
>>61692 Hey, just wanted give everyone a heads up. This guy tried scamming me!
>>61729 Lmao, fake news. Try again. Real ones here know the truth
someone post ash or somewhere to go for it
i have some share her and ill drop mroe on momless 33867AF
>>62526 Everybody loves Emerson!
>>62526 full m3g@ msg me /aNhae3Cs
Anyone have kyr4.411y?
>>62534 go fuck yourself
>>62773 somebody didn’t get enough mommy love growing up
Taeyleya anyone?
>>62629 looking for her too
>>61551 Damn. Got any more?
>>60001 >>60503 >>61230 >>61285 >>61408 >>61424 did we forget about ash? please post more
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>>63386 still looking
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M3l1inda L any1? she went to La Cité. posted her ass on ig and always seemed like the type to send nudes
>>61424 Name/@
>>63411 You got her @
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I’m getting caught in sp@m /r thottawa has the link
>>64006 where is that.. is it the one that starts with D?
Sub called thottawa (read it)
What other leaks are there from Ott?
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Selena Cadieux, steph Seguin, smashedly, a bunch of others. Teal has thousands of pics
>>64032 any snap leaks in there?
Any Ashley Heroux?
Some snap, some tumblr, mostly ethots on burners or of
>>64035 nicee. can we get a list of snap names? tryna see if there's wins of somebody in particular on there
It would make a lot more sense to just use the search function in the group
I meant for the contributor group
>>64032 How do you get access?
Reddit r/ thottawa link is there
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Anyone know ch@nt@l or j3nn!fer p0rt3r? I have them.
Post they’re hot
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>>60001 /r/AshleyLaw (Read it)
Reseller ghey
>>64168 you the man, thank you
>>58723 >>61666 >>61666 Need this so badly
Kaitlyn powers
